Monday, March 28, 2011

Crin Blanc

Another short film by Albert Lamourisse, released in 1953. This film, much like 'Le Ballon Rouge', focuses on the psyche of a lonely child and on childhood imagination.  The main character, Folco, goes about catching a wild horse, and the film follows his struggle in doing so. It also brings to light his eventual bond with the horse, and his distrust for humans over animals. It really emphasizes mans fragile relationship with nature and the sad reflection of adults in a child's world. 

The imagery in the film is fantastic, and the lighting further helps to bring out the strong monochromatic contrasts. Set in the marshes of the Camargue region, the shots have very barren backdrops, focusing our attention on the foreground so much more. This film has been very well done, although it is regarded to be a children's film, its content is suitable for all ages, and despite the plot being rather fable-like, the visual elements of the film are reason enough to watch it. 

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